
Thursday, September 29, 2016

How do I get paid to work on social media? One of the top 10 questions I get as a Social Media Specialist from folks who want to work from home.  In 2016 Social Media Manager is a real career path, which didn’t exist over a decade ago. (And will continue to be in 2017, the internet isn’t going anywhere)

Do you love social media?
Today, successful social media managers are helping many types of businesses get their message out on social media.  With a passion for connecting and sharing with people online you can as well. The nice thing about it is you do not need a degree or certification, (There really isn’t one for just social media) and you can earn while you learn.  ðŸ˜‰

A manager frees up the business owner to do what they do best! RUN their business…
” I don’t think I can learn how to do this it seems complicated.” this might be something you are thinking.  Heck I thought that same thing and then I asked myself  “what else did you not know when you started working online that you now know?”  My answer a ton!  One of my very favorite mentors Marie Forleo coin the phrase “Everything is figureoutable” I’ve found over the past 7yrs it’s so true.  As long as you have a teachable spirit and the desire to learn new things you can do this too!
As a social media manager your social media you’ll manage overall content posts, delete spam, respond to message on the profile and engage with audiences as if you where the business.  You can learn everything you need to know even if you’ve never done any marketing before….like I did. ðŸ˜‰
“Marketing has always been about connecting consumers with brands.  The one thing that has changed is “marketing” has gone back to the basics of 25yrs ago of building relationship and then growing a business via word of mouth.  It’s just happening in a different space. THE INTERNET!  
The best thing of all we do not have to sell anything!
Help me help you, please fill out this one question survey  so I can better serve you.  Thank you luvs ðŸ˜‰



Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Planning for an amazing 2015!

Social Media Marketing is much like taking a trip, if you don't have a map you have no idea where you will end up.  As business owners wearing many hats we really need to make our efforts count & use our time effectively when executing our action plan.

Here are a few tips when planning your social media weeks, months & year.

  • Do have a vision-Having a vision for what problems you want to help your target audience to solve with your content.  Remember posting on the social media channels is not about "advertising" it's about developing relationships with your ideal client & treating them with respect. Posting spammy stuff never works. With that being said, once you have grown your audience & shared with them over time really great content you will have earned the right to present an offer from time to time. When you are launching a product or service offering delivery & method counts!  Remember if you are strategic in giving them what they want to see your audience will not feel like you are "crashing" their party on social.

  • Do use an editorial content calendar-Editorial calendars help with organizing content and communicate a message that flows. There are plenty of examples out there, when I first started I just used my Gmail Calendar to keep track of where I was going. Then I moved on to an Excel spreadsheet that I keep in Google Docs.   Another good source for this is Hubspot here you will find a couple of examples.                                                                                                                                       Use this template to:
    • Keep your content authors & topics organized
    • Track keyword & call-to-action use
    • Ensure that content is developed on time & on target 


Monday, October 27, 2014

Giving Is Not A One Way Street!

Yes it's crunch time for Non profit organizations!   The end of the year is the biggest time for giving approximately 30% of all giving happens in December with 10% of that occurring during the last 3 days of the year. Add to that the donation size at the end of the year Non Profits have the potential to see an increase of as much a 50%.

I love being able to serve organizations that are "mission" driven & my most favorite clients to work with are Non profits.   If you are a Non Profit story telling on social media should be very native for your organization.  Engaging with your current followers is key toward retention as well as drawing in new constituents. 

 Not only is it essential to provide great content, you also can not afford to ignore this number..."78% of social media being viewed on mobile devices"* it is key to make sure your using very visual messages that are eye catching for the channel you are posting on.  

  • Work works on Facebook does not necessarily work on Twitter & so forth.  
  • Know your ideal audience & speaking to them is super important!  Give them great relevant content they want to see.  
  • Don't always have your hand out, show your followers the "good" your organization is doing through telling stories.   Humanizing your message helps them feel good when they see the difference their efforts are making in others lives. 

By give, give, giving them great content they will not stay engaged, they will also respond when you go for the ask. 


image source: network for good

Monday, October 6, 2014

"Isn't Social Media for kids?"

I often get questions from business owners both online & off "Isn't Social Media for kids?"
Watch this & decide for yourself!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Surefire Ways to Double Your Workday Productivity

Every day I start with a plan,  my goal is to be the most productive I can be without feeling totally overwhelmed. These surefire ways can help double your productivity & keep you on track to getting the important things completed.

In sales, we learn to sell benefits rather than features. Keeping that in mind, the way to sell yourself on maximizing your productivity is to realize that with a super-dialed calendar and well thought-out workday strategy, you can perform at double your standard capacity. This is important because a key to fulfillment is living our ideal life into each day, not just every week or month.We want sufficient time to recharge, have fun and be excited about something each and every day.

The following five strategies will help you optimize your time so that you can be the best you with your work
1. Huddle and speak your intentions. Huddles aren’t just for sports teams! A morning huddle is your opportunity to verbalize your intentions for the day, reinforce team coheshion and hold yourself (and others) accountable for daily performance.
All it takes is three to six minutes to get together with your , team or leadership team and ensure everyone is aligned for that day. Every person in the huddle should state his/her crucial goals for the day and let others know if they are needed. If you don’t have a team, huddle with your coach, direct supervisor or accountability buddy for a quick check-in call. Standing in the huddle keeps everyone alert and efficient.

2. Do the toughest and most important thing on your to-do list first. You heard the phrase "Eat the frog first"?  We typically don’t want to do our toughest tasks first but it is to our advantage to accomplish what I call the "main crucial” while our ego/willpower depletion is at a minimum. When thinking about the most important task for the day, ask yourself what you can do today that will provide the most value to your your business. List these tasks at the start of the week and revise the list nightly for the next day. Only after we’ve taken care of our most important work should we begin tasks that require less energy, like checking our email (but don’t do that without having a strategy first!).

3. Have a clearly defined email strategy. It’s easy to get lost in email. For better or worse (I believe worse), we live in an email and smartphone-saturated culture but not every email that comes in requires an immediate response. A firm email policy will save you time and help you to be much, much more productive.
Only check your email inbox during the time you’ve set aside in your calendar. First, scan your subject lines and senders to determine which emails are time sensitive or urgent. Answer those emails first. Remember, you’ve only allotted a certain amount of time for email and need to stick to plan.
Next, process those emails that take two minutes or less to respond to. Plan to deal with email requiring action or a response that takes more than two minutes during your “flex time” later in the day. Schedule less-urgent items for the near future instead of cluttering your “flex time,” which you set aside for things that come up unexpectedly.
Don’t spend any more time in your inbox than you allotted. If there are emergencies, pick up the phone or meet in person. Don't rely on faceless email to solve problems or deal with emotionally-charged situations.

4. Have a meeting strategy with yourself. A meeting without an agenda is likely a waste of time. Think advace for an agenda and the objective(s) of every meeting you attend. Push meetings that will not require difficult decision-making to the second half of your day so that you have sufficient time to complete your crucial tasks for the day.

5. Do things in blocks of time.  Doing tasks in blocks of time like 30 minutes helps you be more focused & efficient.  Make sure to stand up and walk away from you computer for a minute or two. Try a standing desk this will also help you health wise if you work on a computer for more than 8 hours.

6. Eat alone sometimes. Keith Ferrazzi’s book Never Eat Alone has been a staple for business leaders and entrepreneurs for nearly a decade. It espouses the idea that businesspeople should use lunches as a time to network.
It's good advice but you don’t have to network in person. Use your lunchtime to ping your peers via email, Facebook,Twitter LinkedIn or the phone. The goal is to connect regularly and build reciprocity with those in your network, not just ping them when you need something.
That said, sometimes the most important thing to do on your lunch is to simply recharge for the second half of your day. Your choice, as long as you’re following your plan.

The glue binding these strategies is best conveyed by one word: planning. We all have 24 hours in each day. Treat each day as a gift by planning and leveraging your time.

Go out and make today a productive & rewarding one!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

How to get people to (actually) read your content!

One of the first few things I teach when training on social media content creation is to always keep in mind what type of devices your audience is using to view your content. Even though it may be easy to create your images on your desktop & they may look beautiful you may find they didn't quite turn out the way you had hoped.....

"How many people read your blog on their phone or tablet? I bet it’s more that you think. Research frequently shows that consuming email, searching the internet, and using social networks are some of the most popular activities done on a handheld device.  Many of these activities are resulting in click-throughs that are coming to your site on a mobile device. Do you like what they are finding?" ~

We all have such busy lives and often times a smartphone or tablet is the only way they will even see what you are posting on social media. In a recent article Techcrunch stated that Facebook revealed that those viewer numbers have risen to 78% on Facebook & with over 1 Billion users that fact should not be ignored.

When creating images or images with text you always want to check out how things are going to look on mobile or even better use your mobile device to create some of your content.  There are so many FREE apps for devices these days, my favorite right now is Pixlr Desktop & Pixlr Express for mobile.

If you are going to do the work posting on social media make sure it counts!

Monday, September 8, 2014

"Ugly behind the scene"

"Never compare your business to someone else, you never really see the "Ugly" that's behind the scenes" - Jeff Walker business man & author of "Launch"