
Thursday, September 29, 2016

How do I get paid to work on social media? One of the top 10 questions I get as a Social Media Specialist from folks who want to work from home.  In 2016 Social Media Manager is a real career path, which didn’t exist over a decade ago. (And will continue to be in 2017, the internet isn’t going anywhere)

Do you love social media?
Today, successful social media managers are helping many types of businesses get their message out on social media.  With a passion for connecting and sharing with people online you can as well. The nice thing about it is you do not need a degree or certification, (There really isn’t one for just social media) and you can earn while you learn.  ðŸ˜‰

A manager frees up the business owner to do what they do best! RUN their business…
” I don’t think I can learn how to do this it seems complicated.” this might be something you are thinking.  Heck I thought that same thing and then I asked myself  “what else did you not know when you started working online that you now know?”  My answer a ton!  One of my very favorite mentors Marie Forleo coin the phrase “Everything is figureoutable” I’ve found over the past 7yrs it’s so true.  As long as you have a teachable spirit and the desire to learn new things you can do this too!
As a social media manager your social media you’ll manage overall content posts, delete spam, respond to message on the profile and engage with audiences as if you where the business.  You can learn everything you need to know even if you’ve never done any marketing before….like I did. ðŸ˜‰
“Marketing has always been about connecting consumers with brands.  The one thing that has changed is “marketing” has gone back to the basics of 25yrs ago of building relationship and then growing a business via word of mouth.  It’s just happening in a different space. THE INTERNET!  
The best thing of all we do not have to sell anything!
Help me help you, please fill out this one question survey  so I can better serve you.  Thank you luvs ðŸ˜‰

