
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Back to school back to the basics of  Facebook! Our Friday screen share training this week will be about....

1.What & why use social media & branding for your business
2.How to get started creating a Facebook page for your business

(I am also recording it)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Her first day of 1st grade

Today is Delaney's first day in a public school she is starting 1st grade.  She was a bit anxious & so was I letting go is tough.  Watching our children struggle with something is even harder....Even when we know it will be good for them all we want to do is "make things better".  I am thankful to be able to pick her up from school & talk with her about her day.

Now it's time for me to re-focus on my business & why I work from home in the first place. 

My goal is to be able to walk her home from school every day this year!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What is your why?

Yes, if you have not guessed my girls are my reasons "why" I choose this work at home lifestyle.   Not only so I can be here now in the moment with them...... the other reason is so I can leave some kind of legacy. 

Legacy does not always mean money in my case to me it means showing my girls to value relationships in each other and others in their life, to give back &  to value the gifts/talents they have been given.  Learning to do good help others with those gifts.

Knowing & having a compelling "why" is so valuable on those days when you need some gas to get going with your day.  Yes, it happens......Surprised?  Even if you are doing what you love like I am there are days just like when you work outside them home that the tank is a bit empty......for me just not as many.  I love helping others build something of their own or get the health care the so deserve.  My true passion helping others I'm just wired that way.

My WHYs remind me that it is not about me at ALL!

          Bottom to top: Lynnette, Delaney & Milan

Sunday, August 3, 2014

I look forward to Sundays....

On Sundays I really try not to work.....I like growing my relationship with God reading his Word and/or going to service. The other thing I find pleasurable is spending time on Sundays learning something new. Personal growth is a huge key to growing your at home business....I fought the idea for a long time didn't think I needed it, I was so wrong. If you are in that mindset I want to encourage you to reconsider....maybe not on Sundays but take action for yourself & your business read one blog post, article or video from someone who inspires you weather it is business related or just something that makes you reflect and helps you grow. 

Have a blessed day!

Teresa Ann Duran