
Friday, May 30, 2014

Thanks to all the Freedom At Home Team...

Thanks to all the Freedom At Home Team folks who attended the #socialmediamarketing training call today. I love being able to "Pay it forward" sharing what I've learned from the other leaders! #freedomathome

List building from your Facebook page with Mail Chimp
(Call recorded on
code is the same as the dial in code inbox me if you need it.)

Mail Chimp is a free contact management program you can use to manage your newest contacts that you’ve generated via social media. Or if you do not yet have a Focal Point account. These leads in this list are handled differently than the leads you generate via ads or the co-op. DO NOT place them into Focal Point until they ask for an interview (or they have given you permission to email them) then you can add them to Focal Point. Place them in a mail chimp folder within focal point so that you are not always sending them promotional emails but relevant content to work at home tips, tools etc…

Create a FREE account

Create a list

Create a Landing/capture page

Share your landing page link in the first part of the about section on you Facebook page. Add it in any of your social media profiles. Here is my link

Keep your list organized-once you move the lead into Focal Point remove them from Mail Chimp. Delete your unsubscribes.

Do email blasts (not promo’s until they have been on you list for at least 2-3 months your follower from social media did not sign up to be spammed. They will unsubscribe if you don’t respect this fact. Email blast one time per month with good work at home content (or content that fits your social media business page) example: my work at home moms talk I share work at home content and mommy content. and on my blog

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Summer Time with Your Family

Summer is such a great time to focus on your family. Here are some fun ideas you can try to create some memories and traditions:

1. Pirate Booty! Beach weather, or lake weather, is upon us. Mom and dad need to build or buy a box of some sort and fill it with goodies. Create a treasure map with dashes and a big red X. Make it look authentic by burning the edges. Go to your local beach or lake and bury your box of goodies. The kids can spend the day searching for the buried treasure. My mom and dad did this for us when we were kids. I have never forgotten how much fun we had!

2. Outdoor night adventure! Kids love to explore. How about a flashlight scavenger hunt? Create a list of items for the kids to find and set out on a night time walk. The warm evenings are my favorite part of summer. Why not get out and enjoy them!

3. Backyard movie night! Stay close to home and keep costs down. Lay out the blankets and get out the lawn chairs. Set up your TV and VCR in the backyard and put on a movie. Don’t forget the s’mores over the bbq!
What does your family do during the summer months? We would love to hear your family fun ideas!!