
Friday, March 28, 2014

20 productivity tips for work at home Moms

My girls keep me pretty busy..... The number one question I get from Moms on my team & Moms thinking about work from home is how do I do it? Being a WAHM isn't easy but it's so worth it!

 I think back to when I went full time in my home business that was in early 2012.  I had been working out side the home part time & from home part time before that. What I learned first was that doing the things that mattered was super important! Just like when I was working outside my home.  

Carving out blocks of committed time for one task at a time.  I like to work in 30 minute blocks.....This was like a game of "bet the clock" for me.  Laser focused time I found was more productive time. Plus I get bored easily......

Here is an article I came across with some ideas I've tried and some that may work for you if you have very little ones at home.   

20 productivity tips for work at 

home Moms of young children...


Photo source:LapGP & SigOther